Cebolla Francesa Picada


  • 800 g lean beef mince

  • 1 onion cut in half sliced

  • 45 g French onion soup mix

  • 2 1/2 cup frozen mixed vegetables diced

  • 1 tbs margarine

  • 2 cup water


  1. Cook vegetables and put aside.

  2. Heat an electric fry pan to medium-low.

  3. Melt butter and fry onion until just clear. Add mince and

  4. fry until well browned.

  5. Stir through soup mix and water and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking.

  6. Stir in cooked vegetables and simmer for another 5 minutes or until vegetables are hot.

  7. Serve on hot buttered toast or with mashed potatoes and a favourite green vegetable




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