Reseñas de Redline

The redline is a sacred place beyond turbo whistle or VTEC engagement -- it's the max -- it's everything -- the best. No, we're not race car drivers or action-flick stunt doubles -- sure, that'd be pretty sweet -- but we've got a trump card that takes us to new heights on the awesomeness scale: we know our stuff and we're in love with what we do -- that's rare these days. Oh, right. You still don't know what it is that we "do" exactly. Well, here's the spiel: We're a quickly emerging automotive journalism firm headquartered in one of the most powerful cities in the world -- Washington, DC -- pretty cool, right? The story gets better: You know how that Zuckerberg kid started "The Facebook" from a college dorm room? -- Yeah, that's kinda how we started, except our tools weren't made up of web code or hacked school websites.

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