¿Qué es Servicios Empresariales?

Business services can be defined as various tasks and activities that help maintain a business, despite not providing any tangible product.

 An example of a business service could be information technology that assists many other business services such as purchasing, financing, and shipping. In today's world,

 most of the professions are concerned with these exclusive services and cover a large part of the industry.

Business services properties

It can be classified into five characteristics:

Intangibility: Referring to the introduction of business services, services do not have any physical form, i.e. they can only be practiced, rather than produced.

Inconsistency: The services do not have any consistency. It must be done exclusively every time.

Inseparability: Both consumption and production take place at the same time for services.

inventory: no one can store services for future use; It must be delivered upon request. This is one important difference between goods and services, as the former can be stored for later use.

Participation: Customer participation is required in providing any type of service.

business of services

What types of services are available?

Business services are used by organizations to carry out their business activities. Banking, warehousing, marketing, inter- and intra-departmental communication, etc. all fall under business services.

Social services These services are provided voluntarily to promote equality and help people.

Personal services This type of service varies from person to person. It can be a tourist service, food service, etc.

A form of service known as business-to-business service between business organisations. It depicts the involvement of wholesaler and manufacturer or retailer and wholesaler.


 It stands in contrast to business to consumer and business to government transactions.For example, a car manufacturer conducts B2B transactions with a wholesaler company that sells tires, rubber hoses, and other necessary materials needed to build a car.

Types of business services

Let's take a look at some of the different business services.

Software Services - Technology is in demand in almost every field. Software services make up a large part of it. They range from antivirus to different operating systems and so on. Moreover, another department in which software services are vital is banking services. Nowadays, transactions are becoming more easy through internet banking. Thus, software services must be upgraded to combat hacking and virus threats.

Consulting Services - Consulting services are provided by many organizations regardless of their field of specialization. These services are provided for business expansion projects, commercial projects, etc. Moreover, these services also help the company to understand the industry environment and market competition.

Training Services- Many companies require these services. Although most companies are good enough to offer training to their employees, they also receive assistance from outside agencies. These agencies train employees with the soft skills and other requirements necessary to work for the company.

Financial services- is one of the most important services of the organization. Financial services are taken to evaluate taxation, depreciation, valuation and expansion. The company's financial affairs are taken care of by the finance department, but some of them also require additional support from financial advisors.

Marketing Services - Companies call for marketing services to reach a wider audience through creative advertising and skillful marketing. There are specialized agencies that assist with these services. These companies allow agencies to get innovative marketing ideas to receive quality work. The organization prefers to invest in a third party service provider because it gives them quick feedback and implements marketing strategies efficiently.

Travel Services- Companies often need to travel to different places due to business requirements. Here, travel services play a role. These companies assist in scheduling and booking required for the trip.

Security Services- This type of job is essential for a company to keep its goods and products safe.

Security services employ personnel to stay physically present on the office premises. It is a part of financial services as it also provides security for fraudulent transactions. The government and banking sectors benefit greatly from security services.

Waste Management Services - Waste management is critical in preventing pollution. Waste water and materials from the manufacturing plant must be recycled and passed carefully to minimize the release of toxic products that may affect the environment. Waste management services ensure that the waste generated by the plant is less harmful or less polluting, and helps preserve the health of people and the environment.

Apart from these, there are many personal services that individuals may opt for as an independent way of earning money.

Check out the list below for service business ideas:

  • Personal fitness trainer

  • Beauty expert

  • Graphic designer

  • Corporate event planner

  • Party planning services

  • Pet nurseryPrivate 

  • School Application Consultant

What is Business Services?

Business and types of business

Business can be defined as an activity that is undertaken to make profits. Any activity that produces or sells a product or service for profit is a business. It can be sub-categorized on the basis of business ownership, which are as follows:

sole proprietorship

A company or organization that is owned and operated by one person is called a sole proprietorship in business. The liability for this type of business is unlimited. The owner runs and runs the business. The owner may appoint employees.

 Limited Liability Companies (LLC). 

A Limited Liability Company is the company in which the owners and the partners who run the business are protected under certain legal laws in case the business fails or any problem occurs. This means that if a business incurs a loss, The owner will not be directly responsible for incurring them.


In partnership, the firm has two or more owners and the profit and loss is liable to all of them. Liability in this business partnership is unlimited. This type of business can be divided into general partnership, limited liability partnerships (LLC), and limited partnerships.


When someone purchases the rights to run and own a small unit of business from the parent company, then it is referred to as a franchise. Mainly the food businesses are run as a franchise like McDonald's burger etc.


The corporation is a business that has limited liability and is protected under certain legalities, in fact, the corporation has a different legal personality. The corporations can be privately owned or government-owned. Some of the corporations are for-profit whereas others are listed as non-profit organizations. These types of businesses are also listed on the stock exchange to make and generate profits or to grow the organization.

co -operative

In the collaborative type of work, there are decision makers rather than contributors. This type of business is a limited liability business and can be either for-profit or not-for-profit.

Limited Liability Partnership

In a limited liability partnership, All the partners or some have limited liability. This type of partnership can be called the hybrid of partnerships and corporations. The LLP also has certain tax liabilities as well.

The Components of a Business

Every business has some essential ingredients that help the business run smoothly and successfully. Listed below are five elements in every business:

value creation

The success of any business depends on the value that is created by it. The product or service that makes a difference in a customer's life. The user experience of any product or service offered by the company must be value-added. No matter how good the product packaging is, if the customer doesn't like it, it's a loss. So the main aspect of the business should be adding positive value to its target audience.


Marketing a business is just as important as creating the product itself. It attracts target customers. Marketing allows a company to advertise its products or services so that people are aware of the existence of this type of product or service. Long term marketing. It helps in creating brand value for a business as well as creating demand for certain products/services.


When the attracted customer or customer is converted into a buyer, that is sales. Without sales, there will be no cash flow and the business will soon experience a loss. For any business to be profitable, sales must take place on a consistent basis. It tells the customer why one should buy from a particular brand or company.

value receipt

Business does not end when a specific buyer purchases the product or service. When the buyer is not satisfied with his/her purchase, he/she will not buy from the company again, and that will also mean a loss for the company, a kind of negative advertisement. Positive feedback from existing customers or buyers may mean that there will be more buyers in the future.


The basis of any business is money. The inward flow must always be higher than the outward flow, and only then the business can be called profitable. To keep track of investments, other financings, and the return of investments, a separate entity in the business is required.



Mohamed Kamal 

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