Cómo convertirse en un maestro de ceremonias efectivo de eventos corporativos

You think being an EMCEE is a simple and easy task? Well, just to answer that it is not, because most of the time it never turn out to be how you planned, and you have to make sudden changes in the script and performances due to technical problems or other stuff. And handling such situation swiftly is the quality of an effective EMCEE.
HOW TO BECOME AN EFFECTIVE CORPORATE EVENT EMCEE?- An EMCEE is solely responsible for smooth conducting of the event, according to the plan. So here are a few tips related to how to become an effective corporate event EMCEE-:
DO YOUR HOMEWORK- You may be a spontaneous type of personality, but doing your homework and research prior to the event never hurt anybody. So, before moving towards the stage, collect proper information about the people you will call on stage. Cross-check with the person itself or his/her secretary. Sometimes investing your time in preparations may yield substantial dividend in upcoming events.
BE CREATIVE- Don't use the same regular lines during the introduction or at the time interacting with the audience. Prepare creative ways to handle all the situation you need to address like announcements of upcoming performance or lunch, rules regarding the use of mobile phones, etc.
ASSEMBLE YOUR EVENT MATERIAL- It is important to arrange the performances and other continuous event in order to maintain the pace and time. One should remember that the content is audience friendly and does not hurt anybody's belief or sentiments. Being a corporate EMCEE you have to be very particular about the content, jokes included, etc because at such event all the big business tycoons, CEO, Member of boards, etc are present.
PRESENTATION- Being a corporate EMCEE, make sure you dress according to the event. If its theme based, then follows the theme but don't over-do it, otherwise go for formals, it always suits an EMCEE. Moreover, your voice pitch should be the same and audible without any frequent fluctuations.
Being a corporate event EMCEE is fun, but also a hectic task. Smile, even when you don't mean it during the event, as it gives positive vibes to the audience. Be more approachable to the audience and interact with them to send the message that this whole event is for them. Give them a small introduction about the company and its achievement. Embrace the moment and make it more joyful for your audience as well as for yourself. And do not forget to do stage-check before starting the event; make sure lighting, audio, the sound of the mike, etc. is proper and comfortable.
KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLOCK- It is important for an EMCEE to maintain the track of time and manage. Make sure the event is small and fun because nobody likes to sit for hours clap at intervals. Be confident, humorous, and energetic.


written by

 Sandra Lewis 

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