7Mejores herramientas de marketing online

Starting your own business is exciting but it can be a nerve wrecking time as well. Being successful in these competitive times is becoming a more complex task with each passing day. One of the ways in which a new business or one which is trying to grow (something which every business wants) can make headways in getting the ever elusive attention of the customer is through online marketing.The best thing about online marketing is that it is not as complicated as one would expect once you get the gist of it and to top it off, many good online marketing tools are free too. To make your life easy and grow your business at the same time, the following 7 online marketing tools are must haves.

Social Media Manager: Social media campaigns are turning out to be the backbone of digital marketing campaigns and most of the businesses have profiles set up on more than 3 mostly. But managing all the profiles can be a burdensome task and this is where social media management tools like Hootsuite and Buffer come in. They offer a simple dashboard where multiple accounts are synced and do things like post simultaneously on all of them or schedule posts. Free plans of these apps can get you started off nicely.

Email Marketing: The good old email marketing is still relevant in this age as it provides a more direct intimate connection with the customer. By making this task automated and more intuitive with tools like MailChimp and Get Response, you can kick off your email marketing strategies and make your customer feel connected with you.

Retargeting Tools: Retargeting ads are becoming increasingly common and have been shown to be effective in getting the customer back to your website. Retarget ads are ones that pop up to remind you to visit a website again after you have explored them. Tools that can help in this are Ad Roll, Google A dwords Retargeting etc.

Tracking Time: It is easier to get entangled in the plethora of marketing activities and to lose track of time. In order to effectively manage your time, apps like Due can help you track what time you spend on each marketing activity and you can analyze which activity is taking more time and bringing in less value.

Study Your Competition: Woe to the entrepreneur who ignored his competition. Using tools such as BuzzSomo, Similar Web, you can track what keywords and sites are bringing in most of the traffic for the competitor, compare them with your results, and improve on them.

Google Analytics: This free tool from Google should be a part of your arsenal from the beginning. It lets you track every movement of your visitor and you can adopt your marketing strategy accordingly.

Graphic Design Tools: Making your marketing materials more eye catching and easier to read for the user, employ graphic design tools such as Piktochart, Visual.ly to draw infographics, select pictures etc.

There are countless other online marketing tools to help an entrepreneur is creating its mark in the digital world but these are the most important ones.



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