¿Cómo es el proceso de trasplante capilar? Y los mejores consejos

Hair Transplant

There is no denying the relationship between beauty

 and self-confidence, especially when it comes to

 beauty  With hair, which is considered one of the

 aesthetic characteristics that affect a person's

 appearance  greatly external. When the hair starts to

 fall out, the person is looking for  Treatments and

 medicines to reduce this matter and strengthen hair

 and regrow it again.  But sometimes hair loss cannot

 be treated with medication alone, but directed  Those

 who suffer from this problem should go to cosmetic

 clinics for hair transplantation, restoration of its beauty, and improvement of the external appearance

Hair transplantation is one of the cosmetic procedures

 that men do more often than women, because they are

 exposed to the problem of hair loss more than

 women.If you are suffering from hair loss or baldness

 problem, follow this article till the end and are looking for a solution to this problem.

Hair Transplant

What is the process of hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that is performed to improve the external appearance cosmetic and not for medical purposes.

 Hair transplantation is done in two ways First, the doctor takes hair follicles from an area in the person’s body It is called the donor area, which is usually the back of the scalp

 He transfers it to the areas where it is intended to be transplanted. In the second case, it is implantedThe doctor uses artificial hairs in the bald or thinning area.

hair transplant method

The hair transplantation process takes place under local anesthesia and in several stages, namely:

  1. Scalp cleansi

  2. anesthesnga

  3. Harvesting the follicles from the donor area with a special and accurate tool

  4. Piercing the bald scalp and implanting the bulb in it

When do I resort to hair transplantation?

It is not necessary to wait for complete baldness and excessive hair loss In order to make the decision to undergo a hair transplant, it is sufficient to have spaces in the hair The scalp is more than 1 mm between the hair and the other until you think about a serious solution to hair loss The size of your follicles.

 However, there are many factors that play a roleIn making the decision to perform hair transplantation to obtain a long-term result, including The age and period when hair loss is still likely, ongoing, and present Hair and its quality in addition to genetic factors and other diseases.

 maybe An individual may undergo a hair transplant from the age of 18, but despite Therefore, doctors recommend waiting longer until the progression of hair loss stops or the patient’s baldness problem worsens, and then proceed to hair transplantation.

Hair transplant techniques

This surgery is performed using the latest technology

 where the doctor chooses the method appropriate

 procedure to perform the operation according to the

 condition of the injured person, which increases

 Chances of success of the process and lead to

 distinctive results. The following techniques can be

 mentioned among the methods used for hair transplantation:

  • Strip Hair Transplant (FUT)

  • FUE hair transplantation (FIT)

  • SUT hair transplantation

  • Micro Fit hair transplantation

  • Neograft hair transplantation

  • DHI hair transplantation

  • Biofiber hair transplantation

Hair Transplant

Strip Hair Transplant (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation is a chip technique.

 It is one of the oldest methods used, and it is done by taking a slice of the scalp Then divide it into small parts containing only one or two hairs. 

get up The doctor then implants these parts in the bald area and then fixes them with stitches.

 FUT can be used for people who suffer from baldness A large area and they want to treat it in one session. This technology is characterized by: 

Its cost is lower compared to other hair transplant techniques, but it leaves a scar effect on the donor area.

FUE Hair Transplant

FUE (Follicular unit extraction) is also known as FUE (Follicular Isolation Technique) FIT It is a modern technology in which The surgeon takes the hair follicles from the donor area with a fine needle and then implants them in the area to be treated.

 This is done by making small incisions
Suturing, which makes the recovery period quick and short, and does not leave any scar after surgery

SUT hair transplantation

In this method, hair is transplanted through the use of an advanced tool, but it is not It operates fully automatically.

 This tool makes a hole to extract the hair from The donor area with the possibility of rotation. 

This tool is used by hand to extract hair follicles, but it gives greater accuracy and speed than the methods in which it is done Use old tools. 

This tool also has the ability to suction and extract follicles without the use of a tool such as tweezers.

 SUT hair transplantation takes a day One, it does not cause severe injuries, and therefore does not require sutures to be sutured.

Micro Fit hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is done using a microfiber method by using a miniature implanter machine To extract hair follicles from the donor area, which is usually in the back

This device contains a rotary drilling tool, which is characterized by the ability Adjust the hole diameter as needed.

 This method allows the surgeon to extract Small hair follicles, as the hole diameter can be controlled between 0.6 and 0.9 mm. 

In addition, the device used for hair transplantation is a microfiber method Equipped with a suction tool, there is no need to use forceps to remove the follicles. 

after extraction The follicles from the donor area are transplanted into the bald area Similar to other methods of hair transplantation. 

The process of hair transplantation takes a technique Microvite is one to two days, and does not lead to severe wounds and therefore does not require the use of stitches to suture the wounds.

Neograft hair transplantation

This method is based on the extraction technique where the hair follicles are extracted from the back of the head, arms, or legs by an automatic device, and then transferred to the Bald spots. 

This technique is done without the use of a scalpel, and you do not need to
To stitches, sutures, and recovery period. 

This technique does not cause scars, but its cost is higher than other hair transplant techniques.

DHI hair transplantation

Direct hair implantation is the technique of pens grilled The latest hair transplant techniques.

 In which hair follicles are extracted from the area The donor is then implanted using an instrument equipped with a hollow needle connected to a tube and plunger.

 DHI technology has enabled doctors to perform this surgery without shaving as well as implants Long hair, which is not provided by other techniques.

 The main difference between The DHI and FIT method is that in the DHI technique, the hair follicles are transplanted into the The bald area immediately after it is extracted from the donor area. 

The grafts are placed in A solution of nutrients before implantation, in order to avoid damage to the follicles after their extraction.

 The Choi pen tool is also connected to a tube that prevents contamination of the follicles before implantation.

Biofiber hair transplantation

Biofiber technology is made using synthetic hair, and is often used in case of injury  The person is completely bald so that there is no hair to pluck or not enough to cover  Bald area. 

In this technique, the artificial hair should be compatible with  the scalp so that it does not cause any allergic infections, as it should be the hair  

Synthetic hair is similar to natural hair in terms of color and thickness and is compatible with genes  injured person.

 For that matter, the doctor prepares the artificial hair in  The lab then implanted it in the area where hair is to be transplanted. 

These results appear  The operation is hours after it is performed, but the implanted artificial hair does not grow or increase in length.

The difference between different hair transplant techniques

We will quickly explain the difference between the different hair transplant techniques, and the advantages and disadvantages of each:

FUT strip hair transplant

It gives good results and allows for high hair densityIt can be performed in one session without the need for a haircutIts cost is lower compared to other methodsIt is considered a more invasive surgical procedure that requires the creation of cuts and stitches, and therefore includes more side effects such as headaches, folliculitis, or bleedingNot suitable for people with rough scalp and low elasticity such as athletes and young people

FIT hair transplantation

It is performed in one or two sessionsFIT is less invasive than FUT and does not require cuts and stitchesThe recovery period is fast and does not include headachesIt gives a lower quality result than FUT and less hair density

SUT hair transplantation

It is performed within one dayIt is considered a minimally invasive surgeryIt gives better results than fit technologyIt has a higher speedEnsures access to high hair densityStill less good than fut technology

Micro fit technology for hair transplantation

It is performed within one to two daysIt gives the best result among minimally invasive techniquesCuts and stitches not includedEnsures access to high hair densityIt is still inferior in quality compared to fut technology

DHI technique for hair transplantation

More expensive than other technologiesImplantation takes place immediately after extracting the follicles, which reduces the risk of contamination or damage to the folliclesThis technique ensures the growth of most of the transplanted hairFast and highly accurate methodGives a more natural look compared to FIT technology

What is the best hair transplant technique?

You should consult a doctor in order to find out the best hair transplant method that suits you condition of each patient. Not all methods give the same results for everyone
  The conditions and characteristics of each patient alike.

 But it can be said in general  The SUT technique is one of the best techniques for hair transplantation, and it is not practical  It is highly invasive as it does not require stitches, and the recovery period is short, so the patient can return to his daily activities after the end of the operation.

Hair Transplant

The most important tips before doing a hair transplant

If you suffer from hair loss or baldness and want to undergo this process, you should In the beginning, visit the doctor and consult with him to study the causes of your hair loss and evaluation your health condition to choose the best course of treatment, in addition to determining whether
Need surgery or not.

 You should also look for a highly qualified doctor, and make sure From the extent of his experience in hair transplantation, as well as estimating the cost of this operation. 

in case Your doctor suggested hair transplantation as the best solution for your hair loss Instructions to be observed before undergoing surgery in order to obtain a safe and successful treatment, the most important of which are:

  • Conducting tests and blood tests to detect any disease, as well as examining the person’s condition to determine whether this person can undergo a hair transplant or prefers to avoid this operation.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and quit smoking for at least two weeks before the operation.

  • Avoid taking aspirin or any blood-thinning medications, in addition to staying away from taking vitamins and nutritional supplements that cause jaundice for two weeks before the surgery.

  • Avoid eating spicy foods at least three days before undergoing a hair transplant.

  • Avoid vigorous sports in the week preceding the operation.

  • Washing hair the night before hair transplant because you will not be able to shower for a few days after hair transplant.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes that are easy to put on and take off after the operation.

The recovery period after a hair transplant

The recovery period is considered one of the most important and sensitive periods, as it affects greatly  on the success of the operation and maintaining its results.

 The recovery period ends after about 12 hours  days of hair transplantation, and may be accompanied by symptoms that differ from person to person.  

These symptoms include swelling in the hair transplant area, and this is completely normal and disappears after 24 to 48 hours, so there is no need to worry. Inflammation can also occur. 

 And itching in addition to feeling a little headache in the transplanted area, but it improves after 48 hours. 

In addition, red spots may appear on the skin  The area in which it was planted.

 It should be noted that the transplanted hair falls out after 

 Three months, and this is a normal matter that can cause concern, but it actually indicates the quality of the process, as new hair grows after that in the transplanted area.

Hair Transplant

The most important tips after hair transplantation 

It is best that you follow the following instructions and tips after undergoing hair transplant surgery to get the best results and to speed up recovery and treatment:

  • Go to the place of residence immediately after the completion of the operation and rest for 3 to 5 days after hair transplantation

  • The head must be elevated when sleeping at an angle of 45 degrees so that the transplanted area does not touch the pillow because it will damage the hair follicles.

  • Avoid using any of the substances that you avoided before the operation, including taking aspirin, alcohol, smoking, and others, for three days.

  • Washing hair for the first time using the products prescribed to you by the doctor and in the manner explained to you by the medical team

  • Gently dry the hair using soft towels after hair transplantation, and it is recommended to leave the hair to dry in the open air

  • Avoid using heat hair dryers for six months after surgeryIf crusts appear, avoid scratching them with your nails even if you feel itchy.

  •  In this case, you can use some moisturizers that can be used for two weeks after hair transplantation.

  • Make sure to take the medications prescribed by your doctor on time

  • Avoid exercising and strenuous activities

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, as well as being in places where the weather is hot

  • Avoid sex in the first week after the operation

The end result of a hair transplant

You will not be able to notice the final results of the hair transplant until after a few months Many people have to move them, as the transplanted hair falls out first and then comes back and is renewed.

Follicles and stem cells transplanted to dandruff again for the first time Four months after the end of the hair transplant, so you will not be able to See final results only eight months to a full year later Commitment to review the specialist doctor according to his instructions in order to follow up on the development Transplantation and supervision. 

There is usually a doctor's review session after A month has passed since the transfer of the follicles, and sessions may be added to them according to what he deems appropriate The doctor is appropriate. 

It is worth noting that most treatment centers take pictures to the patient's scalp at various stages of treatment in order to watch the progression of results Mainly hair transplantation, in addition to using these images to gain more customer confidence. 

Damages and risks of hair transplantation

This operation is a safe procedure, but some risks and side effects may appear, as with any type of operation. The following are the most important potential risks of hair transplantation:

Feeling of pain and swellingInfection and bleeding

Scar formation in the surgical areaFeeling itching in the transplanted areaFeeling of numbness in the scalp

A crust forms temporarily in the hair transplantation areasIncomplete hair growth, which can often be correctedHair transplant failure and loss, and the need to perform the operation againNerve damage leading to loss of sensation

Risks and complications associated with anesthesia

Frequently asked questions about hair transplantation

Here we give you answers to some common questions about hair transplantation:

1) Is hair transplantation painful?

Since this process is considered a surgical procedure, it may be accompanied by pain during the surgery, Therefore, this operation is not performed without anesthesia, in order not to feel pain. 

This pain can be controlled by taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor.

2) How long does a hair transplant take?

A hair transplant session usually takes between 5 to 8 hours, depending on the type Surgery, the size of the area to be transplanted, as well as the required number of grafts
for agriculture. It should be noted that the process may require more than one session.

 in If the cultivation area is not large, the hair transplant can be completed in One session, but if the hair-free area is wide, the process may need more than one session.

3) How long does the recovery period take after a hair transplant?

The patient begins to improve 7 days to 2 weeks after the transplant  After that, the side effects of hair transplantation will disappear little by little, and after a full month the person will completely improve.




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